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Tropical Forest at Greater Cleveland Aquarium


Our 7 galleries offer many up-close, eye-level and 360-degree views of more than 1,300 freshwater and saltwater animals from around the globe.

Take A Tour

Ohio Lakes & Rivers

This gallery instills pride in the Buckeye State’s native aquatic species.

Asia & Indonesia

The animals in this zen gallery will change your ohm to “Oh, wow!”

Tropical Forest

With theming and multi-species habitats, this gallery is a colorful and immersive experience.

Industry & Habitat

Learn the history behind the Powerhouse and get 360-degree views of fascinating fish from the Pacific.

Coastal Boardwalk

This gallery combines the relaxing vibe of a beach town with some fan favorite touchpools.

Tropical Reef

Color, color everywhere!

Shark Gallery & SeaTube

You can’t miss this stunning 230,000-gallon shark exhibit with a 175-foot underwater seatube.