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5 Things I Learned About Spiny Pacific Lumpsuckers

Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker

This tiny, orb-like fish, which only grows 1-3 inches in size, is the aptly named Pacific spiny lumpsucker. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this interesting species at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

  1. Pacific spiny lumpsuckers reside in waters ranging from Northern Japan all the way to the Washington coast in the United States. You’ll find them in shallow bays, rocky reefs, kelp forests and eelgrass beds.
  2. With a wide mouth and colors ranging from green to brown to plum, lumpsuckers notably lack scales. Instead, the species sports a covering of spiky tubercles. While males typically have reddish-brown outgrowths, females have larger and more-numerous spines with a pale-green coloration.
  3. When this species reproduces, the eggs are laid in rocky crevices in shallow water. Males care for them, protecting the eggs from predators including crabs, sea stars and small fish.
  4. Interestingly, lumpsuckers lack a swim bladder and are not very strong swimmers. They rely on their modified pelvic fins to work like a suction cup to help them stay in place, similar to a northern clingfish!
  5. As less-than-stellar swimmers, lumpsuckers prey upon other slow-moving species like crustaceans, bristle worms and mollusks.

With their striking-yet-small appearance, see how many lumpsuckers you can spot during your next Aquarium visit. Nature. It’s a curious thing.

5 Things I Learned About Ripsaw Catfish

Primarily found in waterways throughout the Amazon, you’re looking at the ripsaw catfish. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this fascinating animal at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

  1. This species’ genus name—Oxydoras—means sharp skin. With serrated scales and thorn-like hooks for defense along its sides, it’s easy to see how this armored catfish earned the name “ripsaw.”
  2. Interestingly, these catfish reside in both whitewater and blackwater rivers. Whitewater rivers have higher amounts of suspended sediment and low acidity, while blackwater rivers are slow moving, transparent and more acidic.
  3. Also called the “talking catfish,” ripsaws make audible grunts and clicks to communicate.
  4. Like other catfish, a ripsaw’s whiskers are actually sensory organs known as barbels! These organs allow the fish to locate food including larvae, crustaceans and insects.
  5. You may also notice the ripsaw catfish’s downward-facing mouth. This allows it to scoop food from the riverbottom where it combs for its meals.

With a distinct appearance and relatively large size, it’s hard not to notice the ripsaw catfish. Look for one during your next Greater Cleveland Aquarium visit.

5 Things I Learned About Picasso Triggerfish

Known for its bright, distinctive bands of color reminiscent of a Pablo Picasso painting, you’re looking at the aptly named Picasso triggerfish. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this fascinating species at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

1: Some know this species by a different name: lagoon triggerfish. Another fitting title for a fish that spends most of its time
in sub-tidal reef flats and shallow lagoons.

2: For breeding, this species forms distinct pairs. Females build the nest before laying eggs and become very territorial as they guard their future young.

3: Because of the shape of the dorsal and anal fins, this species can swim forwards, backwards and even hover in place.

4: When alarmed, the triggerfish makes a whirring sound. Researchers believe the whirring warns other triggerfish of potential danger.

5: The “trigger” in triggerfish comes from their dorsal spine, which can be raised when startled. If the fish is hiding in a small space, the spine acts as a wedge to hold them in place.

With its bright coloration and attention-grabbing name, it’s hard not to notice the Picasso triggerfish. Look for one during your next Greater Cleveland Aquarium visit.


5 Things I Learned About Northern Clingfish

This flat, round animal is the Northern clingfish, typically found in in the Eastern Pacific from Alaska to Mexico. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this fascinating species at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

1: With a slightly flat, depressed head, the clingfish’s pelvic fins connect to form an adhesive disk, which it uses to stick itself strongly to rocks and plants. Just to hammer home how impressive their physiology is, scientists are currently in the process of creating suction cups inspired by the northern clingfish’s disk.

2: Clingfish use their suction to steady themselves as they pull prey off rocks. Their favorite menu items include crustaceans and mollusks.

3: In terms of their predators, clingfish have to keep an eye out for snakes, gulls and even raccoons, who might snatch them up at low tide!

4: Northern clingfish reproduce by laying eggs under rocks. The eggs hatch into what are called platonic larvae and it’s the males who protect the babies.

5: A northern clingfish can survive low tide by breathing air—well, more like it absorbs oxygen through its skin, which is a useful trait for an intertidal fish.

Look for this interesting fish clinging to the glass or rocks of its habitat during your next Greater Cleveland Aquarium Visit. Nature. It’s a curious thing.

Wild, Weird & Creepy Creatures

Why do some animals give us the creeps? As Halloween season is upon us, it’s important to stop and consider. Have you ever felt a shiver down your spine at the sight of a spider lurking in a nearby corner, or watching a snake slither away through tall grass? At the Aquarium, we like to highlight some of these less beloved animals and dig into why their reputations leave a bit to be desired.

Let’s start with an easy one. Sharks have long been branded as these violent and blood-thirsty predators, seeking out both fish and human without preference. Thanks to sensationalized popular media such as ‘Jaws,’ we were fast to believe this behavior is real. This fearsome image overshadows the fact that sharks are vital gatekeepers of their oceanic ecosystems, providing balance to the underwater world. Sharks are in reality remarkable survivors, deserving at the very least our respect, and even our admiration.


Green Tree Python eating a mouse at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

Snakes are another animal often evoking terror for humans, most likely due to their serpentine bodies and fear of their hooked fangs, which are sometimes equipped with venom. As with sharks, popular media and cultural narratives have painted snakes as malevolent over the years, moving far beyond the reputation snakes deserve. The vast majority of snakes are harmless, and would much rather escape our presence than engage with us. Many species also play critical roles in their ecosystems as both predators and prey.

Before judging animals based on their physical appearance and historical narratives, it’s crucial to stop and consider the facts. Facing natural obstacles in the world along with our persecution, negative reputations have pushed some of these species to the brink of extinction.

Join us for our Wild, Weird, & Creepy virtual program on October 30 to learn about some more of these animals, and how you could potentially help out with changing the narrative!


– Educator Matt D.

8 Things We Now Know About Sharks & Rays

The ocean covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. According to NOAA, just 26.1 percent of the global seafloor had been “mapped with high-resolution technology.” Clearly, there’s a lot we don’t know about these vast, deep waters and their inhabitants. With hundreds of different identified shark and stingray species, we still have so much to discover! Here are eight shark- and stingray-related findings that have made the headlines in the 12 months since Greater Cleveland Aquarium celebrated Fin Fest 2023.


Recent scientific findings suggest that shuffling can help those who want to avoid being struck by stingrays buried in the sand. Vibrations from these little movements alert rays and give them time to move out of harm’s way. Taking tiny steps also means surfers and ocean lovers are less likely to squish a ray midbody. Stepping down where the rays’ organs are located “makes them strike 85 percent of the time,” say researchers from California State University, Long Beach.


The megalodon has so captured the popular imagination that despite being extinct for millions of years, it is the titular star of a box office franchise starring Jason Statham. Depicted as massively terrifying on the big screen, scientists reevaluating fossil records think the “the meg” might have been somewhat longer, possibly less agile and significantly thinner than previously believed.


A wildlife photographer and filmmaker took footage of a shark off the coast of Carpinteria, California, that might be a newborn great white. IF (and that’s a big IF) it is a baby great white pictured, the imagery could verify that female sharks give birth in the area from Santa Barbara to Baja California. “Anything that gives clues to the lifecycle of their reproductive behaviors of any species is really important in understanding and preventing their decline or extinction,” noted Northeastern University professor Dan Distel.

In related news, the existence of a shark nursery near the “Big Apple” was confirmed. The urban location is believed to be “the primary nursery for North Atlantic great whites, where juveniles learn to feed, navigate and evade predators in relative safety.”


Two new-to-science sharks—Troglocladodus trimblei and Glikmanius careforum—were identified via fossils found in Mammoth Cave National Park, an area that would have been covered by a seaway hundreds of millions of years ago. Meanwhile, an exceptionally well-preserved fossil found in a Mexican quarry is expanding our understanding of the body shape and feeding habits of a distant relative of the modern-day great white shark.


Researchers were surprised to only recently discover the globally endangered basking shark might be partially warm-blooded. While the majority of fish are ectothermic and cannot regulate their body temperatures, a few have been found to be regional endotherms, meaning they cannot generate heat in parts of their bodies. “The basking shark is a shining example of how little we know about shark species in general,” zoologist Haley Dolton commented.


A deep-sea survey discovered a new fish species with an otherworldly appearance. A distant shark and ray relative, the primitive chimaera, or ghost shark, had “giant, glow-in-the-dark eyes, a huge head and feather-like fins.”


When an apparent pregnancy of a lone female ray in North Carolina sparked wild public speculation, the public learned that (due to anatomy and genetics) there was no way that a round stingray could have mated with a neighboring bamboo shark. Although some species of sharks and rays are capable of parthenogenesis, or asexual reproduction, it was eventually reported that this stingray had a rare reproductive disease that led to its loss.


Researchers documented a silky shark traveling 17,190 miles—by far the most extensive migration recorded to-date for this overfished and vulnerable species. Tracking showed “Genie” journeying into international waters. The study’s authors believe the long migratory pathway reinforces that international coordination is imperative to help reverse the declining populations of silky sharks.

Follow us anytime on Facebook and Twitter for information on these elasmobranchs and other aquatic animals.

5 Things I Learned About the Brownbanded Bamboo Shark

Found around coral reefs and sandy, muddy-floored habitats, brownbanded bamboo sharks are a smaller species coming in at only 2.8 feet long on average. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this fascinating animal at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

  1. Brownbanded bamboo sharks change color as they mature—juveniles maintain a medium-brownish color with dark banding, while adults appear solid brown. They’re estimated to live around 25 years.

  2. These sharks dine on smaller fare, like crabs, small fish, shrimp and bristle worms. Their own predators include larger fish and even other sharks.
  3. Brownbanded bamboo sharks are largely nocturnal, spending most of the daytime hiding in small spaces in the reef. After dark, they come out to hunt.
  4. Brownbanded bamboo sharks lay eggs in elongated cases. Given their smaller stature, it’s no surprise newborns are only 5 – 7 inches long when they hatch.
  5. Surprisingly, this species of shark can tolerate hypoxia—low oxygen levels—for up to 12 hours. This adaptation helps them survive low tides in the shallow pools where they’re often observed. Could you hold your breath that long?

Look for this interesting shark, as well as—sandtigers, sandbars and Atlantic nurse sharks—during Fin Fest (Now – Tuesday, August 6) at Greater Cleveland Aquarium. Nature. It’s a curious thing.

5 Things I Learned about the Sandbar Shark

Sandbar sharks, like the one you see here, reside within shallow coastal waters around the globe—ranging from Massachusetts all the way to Brazil in the Western Atlantic. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this interesting animal at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

1. This species of shark is considered an opportunistic bottom feeder. From small fish and crustaceans to octopi and stingrays, sandbar sharks don’t leave much off the menu.

2. The only predator of sandbar sharks are—can you guess?—other sharks! Juveniles will sometimes fall prey to larger species like bull sharks, otherwise there are few animals interested in hunting them.

3. Sandbar sharks only breed every 2-3 years and live anywhere from 25 – 30 years old. Researchers estimate full maturity happens around 13 – 16 years of age, meaning they reach true adulthood around the time you first learned to drive!

4. In 2020, the International Union for Conservation of Nature classified sandbar sharks as endangered, citing a 50 – 80% decrease in population over the last 75 years. However, management plans have been put in place and those regions are seeing populations begin to stabilize in the shallow waters they call home.

5. Sandbar sharks migrate seasonally, with juveniles often moving from shallow coastal waters to warm deep waters. Interestingly, males tend to migrate in large schools, while females make the journey solitarily with no company.

Look for sandbar, sandtiger and other species of sharks during your next Greater Cleveland Aquarium visit. Nature. It’s a curious thing.

What Does Parenting Look Like in Nature?

Ever wondered what parenthood looks like when it comes to the animal kingdom? From mouthbrooding to live births, parenting takes many different forms depending on the species. Here are a few interesting examples among the animals you might see on your next Aquarium visit:

Box Turtles

Box turtle crawling over substrate at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.
Box turtles are an egg-laying animal. After breeding, the female will bury the eggs on shore, leaving them to hatch and fend for themselves. Did you know the temperature of the environment where the eggs are laid determines whether they emerge as male or female?


Black-Naped Fruit Doves

Black-naped fruit doves sitting in a nest at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.
This species splits parenting responsibilities between the male and female, with each bird taking turns looking after the nest while the other forages. That vigilant care is important, as the female often lays just a single egg that needs 18-26 days to incubate.


Surinam Toads

Surinam toad sitting still underwater at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.
Fun fact, Surinam toads are actually frogs despite their misleading name. Their intrigue doesn’t end there—these frogs have a particularly interesting reproduction cycle. After breeding, female Surinam toads embed the eggs on their backs and carry them until they hatch. Instead of tadpoles, offspring emerge as fully metamorphosed little frogs.



Eartheater cichlid swimming at Greater Cleveland Aquarium
Cichlids like this red-striped eartheater are mouthbrooders—this means they carry their offspring in their mouths until they are mature enough for independence. It may look strange to humans, but these fish will let their offspring forage for food before sucking them back up if the parent feels threatened. This close-quarters parenting gives offspring a better chance of survival.



Stingray giving birth in shallow water.
One of just a few animals that give live births at the Aquarium, stingrays like the one above will carry their young for 11-12 months. Most of the time they give birth to just one pup, who is then left completely independent. While it takes a bit longer for the pups to fully mature, they enter the world with a fully formed barb ready to deter any possible threat.


SHELL-ebrate the curious moms and dads in your life at Greater Cleveland Aquarium during Mother’s Day Weekend and Father’s Day Weekend.

For more fun, parent-themed animal facts, check out the video below: