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5 Things I Learned About the Brownbanded Bamboo Shark

Found around coral reefs and sandy, muddy-floored habitats, brownbanded bamboo sharks are a smaller species coming in at only 2.8 feet long on average. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this fascinating animal at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

  1. Brownbanded bamboo sharks change color as they mature—juveniles maintain a medium-brownish color with dark banding, while adults appear solid brown. They’re estimated to live around 25 years.

  2. These sharks dine on smaller fare, like crabs, small fish, shrimp and bristle worms. Their own predators include larger fish and even other sharks.
  3. Brownbanded bamboo sharks are largely nocturnal, spending most of the daytime hiding in small spaces in the reef. After dark, they come out to hunt.
  4. Brownbanded bamboo sharks lay eggs in elongated cases. Given their smaller stature, it’s no surprise newborns are only 5 – 7 inches long when they hatch.
  5. Surprisingly, this species of shark can tolerate hypoxia—low oxygen levels—for up to 12 hours. This adaptation helps them survive low tides in the shallow pools where they’re often observed. Could you hold your breath that long?

Look for this interesting shark, as well as—sandtigers, sandbars and Atlantic nurse sharks—during Fin Fest (Now – Tuesday, August 6) at Greater Cleveland Aquarium. Nature. It’s a curious thing.

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