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5 Things I Learned About Northern Clingfish

This flat, round animal is the Northern clingfish, typically found in in the Eastern Pacific from Alaska to Mexico. Here are 5 things a non-aquarist learned about this fascinating species at Greater Cleveland Aquarium.

1: With a slightly flat, depressed head, the clingfish’s pelvic fins connect to form an adhesive disk, which it uses to stick itself strongly to rocks and plants. Just to hammer home how impressive their physiology is, scientists are currently in the process of creating suction cups inspired by the northern clingfish’s disk.

2: Clingfish use their suction to steady themselves as they pull prey off rocks. Their favorite menu items include crustaceans and mollusks.

3: In terms of their predators, clingfish have to keep an eye out for snakes, gulls and even raccoons, who might snatch them up at low tide!

4: Northern clingfish reproduce by laying eggs under rocks. The eggs hatch into what are called platonic larvae and it’s the males who protect the babies.

5: A northern clingfish can survive low tide by breathing air—well, more like it absorbs oxygen through its skin, which is a useful trait for an intertidal fish.

Look for this interesting fish clinging to the glass or rocks of its habitat during your next Greater Cleveland Aquarium Visit. Nature. It’s a curious thing.

With eyes up top and mouths down below, how do stingrays locate their food? You'll find out when you feed one.

Feed a Stingray
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